The prestigious international cigar magazine Cigar Journal has dedicated a two-page report to the premium cigar brand Condega Cigars, through an interview with Ramón Zapata, president of Gesinta International Tobacco Company. As it’s well explained in the magazine, «more than a certificate of origin, or a monovarietal Premium cigar, Condega Cigars is both and more, with an unbeatable quality-price ratio, and that’s why Condega Cigars has quickly become the top seller premium Nicaraguan cigar in the Spanish market».
Here we bring you the full report where the origin and evolution of the Condega Cigars brand is briefly explained, the impulse of Ramón Zapata to turn it into the flagship of Nicaraguan cigars in Spain, as well as a review of the series in the market, both in Spain and Europe: Condega Serie S, Condega Serie F and Condega Serie S Volcanes Special Edition.