Condega Cigars keeps growing and captivating new cigar markets worldwide. On this occasion, the Nicaraguan premium cigars’ brand will be soon available in Angola, after the agreement signed between GESINTA International Tobacco Company (the Condega’s parent company) and two Angolan companies: Men’s Emporium Cigar Shop and Nelanio Mangueira Cigar Consulting Services. The new partners expect to display Condega’s sticks by early August 2019.
In the first stage, the cigars available in the tobacconist shops will be Condega Serie F Mini Titan. After a while, new sizes and lines will come out. Within this partnership, it will be possible to bring the other brands from the portfolio of GESINTA, such as Kraken, Raza, Don José, Anonimous and Ummum. Both partners are investing mainly in the Condega brand for being the most well-known of the GESINTA portfolio, and due to its high quality and awesome price range.
Men’s Emporium and Nelanio Mangueira are the main Angolan cigar distributors. Their portfolio includes some of the best cigar premium brands carefully selected for satisfying the quality demands of the Angolan community. Men’s Emporium Cigar Shop is located in Luanda, the Angolan capital city, where the aficionados could find Condega Cigars as well as across the rest of the shops all over the country.
The Angolan companies also distribute cigars to restaurants, bars, hotels and other resellers. Their expert sales personnel are well acquainted with the national cigar market and men’s accessories.
Men’s Emporium is the dream come true for its CEO, Ermen Soares, a big aficionado and cigar premium lover. In his own words, «as an import company, we are interested in distributing top quality brands at a good price. And Condega Cigars meets both characteristics».
As well as with the rest of the partners, Men’s Emporium and Neliano Mangueira have been added to the alliance WEFA (Water, Earth, Fire, Air), the international agreement between top global tobacco distributors whose main benefit is the exclusive distribution of some of the top premium cigars brands to an unbeatable price in its segment, in the territory of each partner. The new agreement will extend Condega’s strategic internationalization in Africa and will create lasting value for the alliance.
It is clear that Condega has become the brand to trust for more and more aficionados all over the world. Recently, the brand launched a new design for boxes containing the Serie F line and two new sizes, Mareva and Lancero. However, that’s not all. In the next few weeks, Condega Cigars will present new proposals.
It is said that when the other African nations saw what God had given Angola, they protested. Angola is a country that is nevertheless rich in natural resources, including precious gems, metals, and petroleum; indeed, it ranks among the highest of the oil-producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, one of its main industries has to do with tobacco products.
The capital city of Angola, Luanda, is a large port city on the northern coast that blends Portuguese-style colonial landmarks with traditional African housing styles and modern industrial complexes. It’s the most important commercial hub in the country, and where the premium tobacco culture is more widespread.
In connection with the tobacco industry, premium cigars from all origins have been introduced in the country for the past 15 years, and now the Angolan aficionados can easily find the bestseller brands from Nicaragua, República Dominicana, Honduras Costa Rica, Brasil, Cuba and EE. UU. From now on, Condega Cigars can be the best option for filling the humidors of the country and, especially, for smoking a quality cigar premium experience.
The Angolan premium cigar market
It is said that when the other African nations saw what God had given Angola, they protested. Angola is a country that is nevertheless rich in natural resources, including precious gems, metals, and petroleum; indeed, it ranks among the highest of the oil-producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, one of its main industries has to do with tobacco products.
The capital city of Angola, Luanda, is a large port city on the northern coast that blends Portuguese-style colonial landmarks with traditional African housing styles and modern industrial complexes. It’s the most important commercial hub in the country, and where the premium tobacco culture is more widespread.
In connection with the tobacco industry, premium cigars from all origins have been introduced in the country for the past 15 years, and now the Angolan aficionados can easily find the bestseller brands from Nicaragua, República Dominicana, Honduras Costa Rica, Brasil, Cuba and EE. UU. From now on, Condega can be the best option for filling the humidors of the country and, especially, for smoking a quality cigar premium experience.