Condega Cigars has become a widespread sensation in the Middle East. The cigars premium’s brand has attended a popular event hosted by Arak Haddad in Kan Zaman that has shown the high popularity of the Nicaraguan brand between the aficionados of the country.
The event where Condega has collaborated was held on Friday, April 12th at Kan Zaman (Jordan). Kan Zaman is a 19th century estate with high cultural heritage and significance. It is a great place to showcase the blend of historical and modern Arabic cultures.
The show was sponsored and held by Arak Haddad, a premium Arabic alcoholic drink very popular in the Middle East. It was filled with food stands, benches, dancing, famous musicians, and a lot of partying. The tickets sold out and there were over 1,800 people that attended the event, which makes it a real success.
Condega Cigars has recently introduced some of its lines, alongside Don Jose, Kraken, and Umnum to the Jordanian Local Market. Its objective was to educate Jordan’s local market with the high-quality Nicaraguan cigars the brand is offering. Currently, the market is filled with counterfeit smuggled cigars, therefore the goal is to gain the customers’ trust and loyalty by providing them with fully authentic cigars, high quality, reasonably priced – in the heart of Amman.
During the event, Condega has been able to have very interesting conversations and brand awareness discussions with many attendees. The main thing was to have customers trying the cigar – where the Condega team would cut it for them, provide the torch lighter to then, sit down on the burgundy leather chairs and talk about the world of cigars. The Condega’s team have provided the Come relax and have a cigar atmosphere for the attendees.
Every single person that Condega’s team interacted with emphasized the amazing packaging, the reasonably priced cigars (considering customs & taxes), the very well constructed cigars and, most of all, its exquisite flavour. The main question of the aficionados was: how can we buy more from this tomorrow? And this is where Condega Cigars has promoted the online cigar shop Ibtikar Imports to motivate the customers to place their order online and get same-day delivery. The feedback on the cigars – especially Condega – was all very positive.
We would like to thank all our aficionados that came to visit us and, as a result of their comments, the demand of Condega is expected to grow larger in the future.