Condega Cigars have reached a distribution agreement with the distributor and retailer Augusto Cigars, who have added the Nicaraguan premium cigar brand to their extraordinary portfolio, that includes another renowned brands such as Padron, Plasencia, My Father, Tatuaje, AJ Fernandez, La Flor Dominicana, La Aurora, Casa Turrent, Ashton and JC Newman.
Ricardo Carioni, CEO of Gesinta International Tobacco Company, the makers of Condega, said: «All of us at Condega Cigars are genuinely excited and looking forward to working with Øystein Kleven, Andrè Veiby and the rest of the brilliant Augusto Cigars team. We’re delighted that Norwegian cigar lovers can now enjoy our premium quality cigars, beautifully handcrafted in my country by our Nicaraguan artisan exclusively using fine aged tobaccos».
August and Øystein Kleven, who founded Augusto Cigars in 1998, add that: «Our passion is cigar culture, and we want Norwegians to have access to a varied selection of the best cigars on the market where our sales are better than ever».
Condega Cigars, including some of their best sellers such as the Cerro Negro Edición Limitada and the Serie F Mareva, Magnum and Mini Robusto, are now available at the best cigars stores and clubs in Oslo and all of Norway.
It is sure that Condega Cigars is coming to Norway with the best partner and soon will become a must in the heart and the humidor of the Norweigan premium cigar lovers.